Thursday, February 26, 2015

Soooo Close!

I've been wanting to put some sort of design on our stairs ever since moving in five years ago, but I couldn't quite figure out what. Books? Playing mice? Cool quote? And then yesterday I had an epiphany... Star Wars!! (Cue Stars Wars theme song...)

Have to admit, I was feeling pretty proud of myself for coming up with this. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I unveiled the awesomeness to my husband that I realized my mistake... the type is supposed to be justified! AGH! How could I have forgotten?! That's what I get for googling the words and not the image! But kudos to hubby (the actual Star Wars fan in the house) for not pointing out my mistake. Yep, he's a keeper =) I'm wondering how long it's going to bug me before I have to redo it? Ah well. Hubby and kids love it, so I guess I'll enjoy the near-awesomeness for at least a little while ;-)

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