Thursday, February 26, 2015

Make it Stop!

When I started my masters degree I had to watch quite a few online tutorials. Each of the tutorials had the same horrible background music. After listening to just the first two videos I couldn't take it anymore... the music was seriously giving me a headache. Even turned down as low as possible, the pitch alone was enough to make my ears bleed.  I tried using the subtitles only option, but it was really hard to read the print while following the little tutorial cursor on the screen at the same time, so I had to turn the sound back on. Oh my goodness, the music was just awful!

I finally couldn't take it anymore so I tried connecting with my mentor to ask if there was a way to turn off the obnoxious music. Of course, she was away from her desk, so I just waited and tried to deal with it a while longer.

Eventually I figured out that the music couldn't be coming from the tutorials... but where could it be coming from?! So I started closing all my open windows until, finally, I discovered what was making that horrid music... it was my Bubble Spinner game! (Hey, no judging! For those of you who've never tried Bubble Spinner, be warned, it can be rather addictive! I dare you to beat me, though ;-)  I can't remember my best score, but I believe the highest level I got to was somewhere around 35. Trust me, that's impressive! ...and super sad LOL)

Oh my heck, I was so glad my  mentor wasn't available when I called to complain about the background music! Can you imagine how embarrassing that conversation would've been? Haha!

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