Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Good Friend

* A good friend is one who follows you around on your errands even when she doesn't have to =) I had lunch with a friend at the mall yesterday. Since I was already there, I figured it would be the perfect time to run some errands. I needed to return a pair of jeans, look for pants and a shirt for my son, and get a new phone charger. Nothing at all exciting. During lunch I mentioned the errands I was planning on running and told my friend she certainly didn't need to join me. After we finished lunch she seemed game to come along on my errands, she even helped me look through piles of jeans for my son's size (if you know where I can find a 29x34 let me know!).  I was touched that she'd run these boring errands with me. I kept telling her she really didn't need to follow along, but she kept me company anyway. It wasn't until after the second or third store I remembered... I'd driven her to the mall.

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