Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Cannot Be Trusted

Oh my heck. So Hubby decided to take me to see comedic magicians last week. Now, I get anxious at magic shows and for comedians so why he decided I'd enjoy them both at the same time is beyond me... but he was right. Oh my heck, it was a fabulous evening! Laughed so hard I cried, saw some incredible slight-of-hand tricks, and even acquired a new embarrassing moment story to share. So everyone's a winner =) The first magician (John Shryock... amazing!) was doing a trick where he was asking A LOT of audience members to remember cards and after everyone had chosen cards he'd guess/find/reveal/whatever each card in a pretty amazing way. He chose my row to come down, asking each person to tell him when to stop flipping through the deck to find the card they'd have to remember. I was clear at the other end and as he got closer and closer I got more and more nervous because, come on people, do you really think I'd be able to remember a specific card under all that pressure?! When he got to me I actually told him he should ask the people behind me because I just knew I'd forget my card. A few laughs later he assured me I could do it... and enlisted the audience to help me just in case ;) So he started flipping through the cards and kept flipping and flipping and flipping... all the way to the end of the deck. Oops. I'd been so nervous about forgetting my card I hadn't remembered to pick one! Everyone had a great laugh over that one. I'm pleased to say he gave me another chance and I was quite successful in choosing *and* remembering my card =) Apparently that was a memorable moment because after the show (an hour and another magician later) I saw him in the foyer and he congratulated me for remembering my card LOL

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