Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Shower, Shushing, and... Shoot!

*  The knob in your shower does not work like the knob on your stereo. If you're trying to drown out the noisy children outside your bathroom door, cranking up the knob will not make the water louder... it will only make it hotter. Much hotter.

*  When shushing your child at the store, make sure said child is actually yours.

*  One morning I got home after dropping the kids off at school and realized my garage door opener wouldn't work. Thankfully my husband was home and could let me in. I grabbed my cell phone to call him so he could open the garage door for me (yes, I am *that* lazy) and realized I had left my cell phone inside charging. Shoot. So I got out of the car and rang the doorbell. No answer. Urgh. Hubby must be in the shower. I knew no other doors into the house were unlocked, so I went back to my car to think a while as to how to handle the situation. I was totally kicking myself for forgetting my phone... I could've watched a show or played some games while I waited for hubby to get out of the shower. If it weren't for the fact I hadn't showered yet and was wearing sweats and slippers I would've run to a friend's house to wait out his shower or go to Fred Meyer real quick and get a new battery for the garage door opener... and then it hit me... I had a key to the house!

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