Thursday, January 15, 2015

Meetings and Midnight

*  If you're the only one at an 8:30 meeting, it is very possible you got your a.m.'s and p.m.'s mixed up.

*  One night I was awakened by a scratching noise outside the window. Thankfully, I had enough sense to realize it couldn't be an intruder because why on earth would someone scale a ladder 3 stories to break into my home when they could just go through a window on the ground level? But still, it got me thinking about what I would do if there were an intruder in my home... I was home alone, I hadn't set up the phone in my bedroom yet, my cell phone was downstairs, etc. I started making myself a little nervous! As I was trying to get back to sleep I felt something move on my bed... kind-of like a cat moving about trying to get comfortable... except we didn't have a cat. Freaked. Me. Out! I bolted straight up in bed and was frantically trying to figure out what could've made that movement when a hand grabbed my arm! Oh. My. Heck!! I nearly had a heart attack! Took me a solid second to realize it was my husband. Why had I been thinking I was home alone? He had been sleeping next to me the entire time! I am such a dork.

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